Welcome to My Art Blog. I am Kallie Jackson Nielsen and this is my art blog. I will post blogs on here about current art projects I am working on and will also have my artwork displayed on here sometimes. If you have any questions or would like to consider me for an art job you can email me at KallieJackson2008@gmail.com, KallieNielsen2012@gmail.com, or View my art work on my website at KallieJackson.webs.com

I hope you enjoy looking at my artwork!

Kallie D. Jackson

Monday, January 26, 2015

Fruit for the Market

Hello gentle viewers,

So It is winter. Cold, boring, and frigid. It's that time of year when we all get cooped up inside because of the weather. Well I was not about to let the cold weather and being sick from the flu get me down. So as I am still waiting to hear back from VCU about my graduate application, I decided to create some commercial art. Artwork that I can sell at fleamarkets, beach boardwalks and farmers markets. You heard me right I said farmers markets. See let me explain, I came up with this idea of doing a couple of watercolors of different fruits and vegetables and selling them alongside the vendors. I figured people are there already to buy produce why not some cute watercolor artwork? So here is a photo of the first of many to come. The first one I did is of a grapefruit. I only spend about an hour per piece. That way I can sell them at a reasonable price. 

I will post more pictures as I paint them. 

Until we meet again! :)



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