Welcome to My Art Blog. I am Kallie Jackson Nielsen and this is my art blog. I will post blogs on here about current art projects I am working on and will also have my artwork displayed on here sometimes. If you have any questions or would like to consider me for an art job you can email me at KallieJackson2008@gmail.com, KallieNielsen2012@gmail.com, or View my art work on my website at KallieJackson.webs.com

I hope you enjoy looking at my artwork!

Kallie D. Jackson

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Hello 2015! I'm Back!!! :)

Dear Art World,

Well It has been quite a while since I posted something. To be quite honest I kinda forgot I had a blog for my artist website. Ooops. Please don't be upset. :'( because have no fear Kallie is here. I'm back and I'm in action. I'm making artwork again in full force. I'm working on my portfolio for graduate school so I'm gonna be making progress photos and uploading them very soon. Also I have an Iphone now. Yes I know I joined the Iphone nation cult. But be glad because that means that I'm more connected to the cyber world than ever. After this post I will be downloading a blogger app. assuming there is one.... what am I saying. Its 2015 of course there is one. Haha. OK seriousness now. 2014 was a very rough year for me and I don't want 2015 to be a repeat so I order to start things off fresh lets keep art strong and in full force. Here is to new and good artwork and keeping my art blog updated not only for all you readers out there but also for myself. :D



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